QTP:- Working with Word Documents examples

Working with Word Docs

a)   Create a word document and enter some data & save

Dim objWD
Set objWD = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWD.Selection.TypeText  "This is some text." & Chr(13) & "This is some more text"
objWD.ActiveDocument.SaveAs "e:\kalyaneddy.doc"
b)   How to search for a particular string in MS word document?
For this particular script I have a word document saved in C drive with some paragraphs of text and I am searching for word 'qtp' in that word file. The search is case insensitive. I ran it using MS Word 2003.

Dim word_app
Dim word_doc
Dim str_to_search

'Create the Word Object
Set word_app = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set word_doc = word_app.Documents.Open("C:\wrd.doc")
str_to_search = "QTP"

For p = 1 To word_doc.Paragraphs.Count
'A Range object represents a contiguous area in a document, defined by a starting character position and an ending character position. The contiguous area can be as small as the insertion point or as large as the entire document. It can also be, but does not have to be, the area represented by the current selection.

'When you use the Range method to specify a specific area of a document, you use the method's Start argument to specify the character position where the range should begin and you use the End argument to specify where the range should end.
'Using the Start and End properties with a Range object, you can create a new Range object that refers to a group of document elements.
   startext_range = word_doc.Paragraphs(p).Range.Start
   endRange = word_doc.Paragraphs(p).Range.End

   Set text_range = word_doc.Range(startext_range, endRange)
   text_range.Find.Text = str_to_search

   'close the document

   'close the Word application
   Set word_doc = Nothing
   Set word_app = Nothing

c) How to Find & Replace a string in MS word document?
Const wdFindContinue = 1
Const wdReplaceAll = 2

Set ob_word = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set ob_doc = ob_word.Documents.Open("C:\wrd.doc")
Set ob_selection = ob_word.Selection

ob_selection.Find.Text = "QTP"

'This is the direction we want to search. Because we created the Selection object right at the beginning of the document we want to go forward (that is, towards the end of the document). Hence we set the value of the Forward property to True.

ob_selection.Find.Forward = True
ob_selection.Find.MatchWholeWord = True

'wdFindContinue: The find operation continues when the beginning or end of the search range is reached.

ob_selection.Find.Wrap = wdFindContinue
ob_selection.Find.Format = False
ob_selection.Find.Replacement.Text = "Mercury"
'wdReplaceAll tells the script to automatically replace all instances of the word

ob_selection.Find.Execute ,,,,,,,,,,wdReplaceAll

Set ob_doc = Nothing
Set ob_doc = Nothing

d) Script will display all the doc files in all the drives in the system

Dim mw
Set mw=CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set fs=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set d=fs.Drives
For each dr in d
msgbox dr
For each i in mw.FileSearch.FoundFiles
print i
Set f=fs.GetFile(i)
print f.Name&" "&f.Size&" "&f.DateCreated
print "-------------------------------------------------------------------"

e) Create word, Create table and write all the services names

Set mw = CreateObject("Word.Application")
mw.Visible = True
Set dc = mw.Documents.Add()
Set objRange = dc.Range()
Set objTable = dc.Tables(1)
strComputer = "."
Set wms=GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colItems = wms.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service")
For Each s in colItems
If x > 1 Then
End If
objTable.Cell(x, 1).Range.Font.Bold = True
objTable.Cell(x, 1).Range.Text = s.Name
objTable.Cell(x, 2).Range.text = s.DisplayName
objTable.Cell(x, 3).Range.text = s.State
x = x + 1

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