How to inspect iOS elements while recording test using appium on simulator
Inspecting IOS elements and recording
tests using Appium on Simulator:-
1. Download & Install the GUI
version of Appium server (check
2. Open the Appium server.
3. We would be inspecting the IOS
element using this GUI version of appium
4. Check the flag AppPath and provide
the path to your .app (you can find the path from Xcode)
Ex: The path I provided here is
5. Ensure you pick the .app path which
is in 'Debug-iphonesimulator' folder and not 'Debug-iphoneos folder (when you
run the UICatalog code on a real device from Xcode, the .app will be created in
6. Now click on 'Launch' button to
start the appium server.
7. Click on 'i' button to launch the
IOS inspector
8. Check the below video to see how to
inspect elements on IOS simulator and record the tests
You can even play back the tests with
in the appium recorder
You can run your tests either starting
the appium from GUI mode or from terminal mode.
Now let’s c how to run the tests when
appium is launched from terminal
Stop the GUI mode appium server
Open the terminal and type the command
appium &. This will launch the appium server on default port 4723
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