Android Debug Bridge
Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a
versatile command line tool that lets you communicate with an emulator instance
or connected Android-powered device. It is a client-server program that
includes three components:
A client, which runs on your
development machine. You can invoke a client from a shell by issuing an adb
command. Other Android tools such as the ADT plugin and DDMS also create adb
A server, which runs as a background
process on your development machine. The server manages communication between
the client and the adb daemon running on an emulator or device.
A daemon, which runs as a background
process on each emulator or device instance.
You can find the adb tool in
When you start an adb client, the
client first checks whether there is an adb server process already running. If
there isn't, it starts the server process. When the server starts, it binds to
local TCP port 5037 and listens for commands sent from adb clients—all adb
clients use port 5037 to communicate with the adb server.
The server then sets up connections
to all running emulator/device instances. It locates emulator/device instances
by scanning odd-numbered ports in the range 5555 to 5585, the range used by
emulators/devices. Where the server finds an adb daemon, it sets up a
connection to that port. Note that each emulator/device instance acquires a
pair of sequential ports — an even-numbered port for console connections and an
odd-numbered port for adb connections. For example:
Emulator 1, console: 5554
Emulator 1, adb: 5555
Emulator 2, console: 5556
Emulator 2, adb: 5557 ...
As shown, the emulator instance
connected to adb on port 5555 is the same as the instance whose console listens
on port 5554.
Once the server has set up
connections to all emulator instances, you can use adb commands to control and
access those instances. Because the server manages connections to
emulator/device instances and handles commands from multiple adb clients, you
can control any emulator/device instance from any client (or from a script).
The sections below describe the
commands that you can use to access adb capabilities and manage the state of an
emulator/device. Note that if you are developing Android applications in Eclipse
and have installed the ADT plugin, you do not need to access adb from the
command line. The ADT plugin provides a transparent integration of adb into the
Eclipse IDE. However, you can still use adb directly as necessary, such as for
Issuing adb Commands
You can issue adb commands from a
command line on your development machine or from a script. The usage is:
adb [-d|-e|-s <serialNumber>]
When you issue a command, the
program invokes an adb client. The client is not specifically associated with
any emulator instance, so if multiple emulators/devices are running, you need
to use the -d option to specify the target instance to which the command should
be directed. For more information about using this option, see Directing
Commands to a Specific Emulator/Device Instance.
Querying for Emulator/Device
Before issuing adb commands, it is
helpful to know what emulator/device instances are connected to the adb server.
You can generate a list of attached emulators/devices using the devices
adb devices
In response, adb prints this status
information for each instance:
Serial number — A string created by
adb to uniquely identify an emulator/device instance by its console port
number. The format of the serial number is <type>-<consolePort>.
Here's an example serial number: emulator-5554
State — The connection state of the
instance may be one of the following:
offline — the instance is not
connected to adb or is not responding.
device — the instance is now
connected to the adb server. Note that this state does not imply that the
Android system is fully booted and operational, since the instance connects to
adb while the system is still booting. However, after boot-up, this is the
normal operational state of an emulator/device instance.
no device — there is no
emulator/device connected.
The output for each instance is
formatted like this:
[serialNumber] [state]
Here's an example showing the
devices command and its output:
$ adb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-5554 device
emulator-5556 device
emulator-5558 device
Directing Commands to a Specific
Emulator/Device Instance
If multiple emulator/device
instances are running, you need to specify a target instance when issuing adb
commands. To so so, use the -s option in the commands. The usage for the -s
option is:
adb -s
As shown, you specify the target
instance for a command using its adb-assigned serial number. You can use the
devices command to obtain the serial numbers of running emulator/device instances.
Here is an example:
adb -s emulator-5556 install
Note that, if you issue a command
without specifying a target emulator/device instance using -s, adb generates an
Installing an Application
You can use adb to copy an
application from your development computer and install it on an emulator/device
instance. To do so, use the install command. With the command, you must specify
the path to the .apk file that you want to install:
adb install <path_to_apk>
For more information about how to
create an .apk file that you can install on an emulator/device instance, see
Building and Running
Note that, if you are using the
Eclipse IDE and have the ADT plugin installed, you do not need to use adb (or
aapt) directly to install your application on the emulator/device. Instead, the
ADT plugin handles the packaging and installation of the application for you.
Forwarding Ports
You can use the forward command to
set up arbitrary port forwarding — forwarding of requests on a specific host
port to a different port on an emulator/device instance. Here's how you would
set up forwarding of host port 6100 to emulator/device port 7100:
adb forward tcp:6100 tcp:7100
You can also use adb to set up
forwarding to named abstract UNIX domain sockets, as illustrated here:
adb forward tcp:6100 local:logd
Copying Files to or from an
Emulator/Device Instance
You can use the adb commands pull
and push to copy files to and from an emulator/device instance's data file.
Unlike the install command, which only copies an .apk file to a specific
location, the pull and push commands let you copy arbitrary directories and
files to any location in an emulator/device instance.
To copy a file or directory
(recursively) from the emulator or device, use
adb pull <remote><local>
To copy a file or directory
(recursively) to the emulator or device, use
adb push <local><remote>
In the commands, <local> and
<remote> refer to the paths to the target files/directory on your
development machine (local) and on the emulator/device instance (remote).
Here's an example:
adb push foo.txt /sdcard/foo.txt
Listing of adb Commands
The table below lists all of the
supported adb commands and explains their meaning and usage.
Direct an adb command to the
only attached USB device.
Returns an error if more than one
USB device is attached.
Direct an adb command to the
only running emulator instance.
Returns an error if more than one
emulator instance is running.
-s <serialNumber>
Direct an adb command a specific
emulator/device instance, referred to by its adb-assigned serial number (such
as "emulator-5556").
If not specified, adb generates an
Prints a list of all attached
emulator/device instances.
See Querying for Emulator/Device
Instances for more information.
Prints a list of supported adb
Prints the adb version number.
logcat [<option>]
Prints log data to the screen.
Prints dumpsys, dumpstate, and
logcat data to the screen, for the purposes of bug reporting.
Prints a list of available JDWP
processes on a given device.
You can use the forward
jdwp:<pid> port-forwarding specification to connect to a specific JDWP process.
For example:
adb forward tcp:8000 jdwp:472
jdb -attach localhost:8000
install <path-to-apk>
Pushes an Android application
(specified as a full path to an .apk file) to the data file of an
pull <remote> <local>
Copies a specified file from an
emulator/device instance to your development computer.
push <local> <remote>
Copies a specified file from your
development computer to an emulator/device instance.
Ports and Networking
forward <local> <remote>
Forwards socket connections from a
specified local port to a specified remote port on the emulator/device instance.
Port specifications can use these
local:<UNIX domain socket
dev:<character device name>
ppp <tty> [parm]...
Run PPP over USB.
<tty> — the tty for PPP
stream. For example dev:/dev/omap_csmi_ttyl.
[parm]... — zero or more PPP/PPPD
options, such as defaultroute, local, notty, etc.
Note that you should not
automatically start a PPP connection.
Prints the adb instance serial
number string.
See Querying for Emulator/Device
Instances for more information.
Prints the adb state of an
emulator/device instance.
Blocks execution until the device is
online — that is, until the instance state is device.
You can prepend this command to
other adb commands, in which case adb will wait until the emulator/device
instance is connected before issuing the other commands. Here's an example:
adb wait-for-device shell getprop
Note that this command does notcause
adb to wait until the entire system is fully booted. For that reason, you
should not prepend it to other commands that require a fully booted system. As
an example, the install requires the Android package manager, which is available
only after the system is fully booted. A command such as
adb wait-for-device install
would issue the install command as
soon as the emulator or device instance connected to the adb server, but before
the Android system was fully booted, so it would result in an error.
Checks whether the adb server
process is running and starts it, if not.
Terminates the adb server process.
Starts a remote shell in the target
emulator/device instance.
See Issuing Shell Commands for more
shell [<shellCommand>]
Issues a shell command in the target
emulator/device instance and then exits the remote shell.
Issuing Shell Commands
Adb provides an ash shell that you
can use to run a variety of commands on an emulator or device. The command
binaries are stored in the file system of the emulator or device, in this
You can use the shell command to
issue commands, with or without entering the adb remote shell on the
To issue a single command without
entering a remote shell, use the shell command like this:
adb [-d|-e|-s
{<serialNumber>}] shell <shellCommand>
To drop into a remote shell on a
emulator/device instance, use the shell command like this:
adb [-d|-e|-s
{<serialNumber>}] shell
When you are ready to exit the
remote shell, use CTRL+D or exit to end the shell session.
The sections below provide more
information about shell commands that you can use.
Examining sqlite3 Databases from a
Remote Shell
From an adb remote shell, you can
use the sqlite3 command-line program to manage SQLite databases created by
Android applications. The sqlite3 tool includes many useful commands, such as
.dump to print out the contents of a table and .schema to print the SQL CREATE
statement for an existing table. The tool also gives you the ability to execute
SQLite commands on the fly.
To use sqlite3, enter a remote shell
on the emulator instance, as described above, then invoke the tool using the
sqlite3 command. Optionally, when invoking sqlite3 you can specify the full
path to the database you want to explore. Emulator/device instances store
SQLite3 databases in the folder /data/data/<package_name>/databases/.
Here's an example:
$ adb -s emulator-5554 shell
# sqlite3
SQLite version 3.3.12
Enter ".help" for
.... enter commands, then quit...
sqlite> .exit
Once you've invoked sqlite3, you can
issue sqlite3 commands in the shell. To exit and return to the adb remote
shell, use exit or CTRL+D.
UI/Application Exerciser Monkey
The Monkey is a program that runs on
your emulator or device and generates pseudo-random streams of user events such
as clicks, touches, or gestures, as well as a number of system-level events.
You can use the Monkey to stress-test applications that you are developing, in
a random yet repeatable manner.
The simplest way to use the monkey
is with the following command, which will launch your application and send 500
pseudo-random events to it.
$ adb shell monkey -v -p 500
For more information about command
options for Monkey, see the complete UI/Application Exerciser Monkey
documentation page.
Other Shell Commands
The table below lists several of the
adb shell commands available. For a complete list of commands and programs,
start an emulator instance and use the adb -help command.
adb shell ls /system/bin
Help is available for most of the
Shell Command
Dumps system data to the screen.
The Dalvik Debug Monitor Server
(DDMS) tool offers integrated debug environment that you may find easier to
Dumps state to a file.
logcat [<option>]...
Enables radio logging and prints
output to the screen.
Prints kernel debugging messages to
the screen.
Starts (restarts) an emulator/device
Stops execution of an
emulator/device instance.
Enabling logcat Logging
The Android logging system provides
a mechanism for collecting and viewing system debug output. Logs from various
applications and portions of the system are collected in a series of circular
buffers, which then can be viewed and filtered by the logcat command.
You can use the logcat command to
view and follow the contents of the system's log buffers. The general usage is:
[adb] logcat [<option>] ...
[<filter-spec>] ...
You can use the logcat command from
your development computer or from a remote adb shell in an emulator/device
instance. To view log output in your development computer, you use
$ adblogcat
and from a remote adb shell you use
# logcat
See Reading and Writing Logs for
complete information about logcat commend options and filter specifications.
Stopping the adb Server
In some cases, you might need to
terminate the adb server process and then restart it. For example, if adb does
not respond to a command, you can terminate the server and restart it and that
may resolve the problem.
To stop the adb server, use the
kill-server. You can then restart the server by issuing any adb command.
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The monkeyrunner tool provides an
API for writing programs that control an Android device or emulator from
outside of Android code. With monkeyrunner, you can write a Python program that
installs an Android application or test package, runs it, sends keystrokes to
it, takes screenshots of its user interface, and stores screenshots on the
workstation. The monkeyrunner tool is primarily designed to test applications
and devices at the functional/framework level and for running unit test suites,
but you are free to use it for other purposes.
The monkeyrunner tool is not related
to the UI/Application Exerciser Monkey, also known as the monkey tool. The
monkey tool runs in an adb shell directly on the device or emulator and
generates pseudo-random streams of user and system events. In comparison, the
monkeyrunner tool controls devices and emulators from a workstation by sending
specific commands and events from an API.
The monkeyrunner tool provides these
unique features for Android testing:
Multiple device control: The
monkeyrunner API can apply one or more test suites across multiple devices or
emulators. You can physically attach all the devices or start up all the
emulators (or both) at once, connect to each one in turn programmatically, and
then run one or more tests. You can also start up an emulator configuration
programmatically, run one or more tests, and then shut down the emulator.
Functional testing: monkeyrunner can
run an automated start-to-finish test of an Android application. You provide
input values with keystrokes or touch events, and view the results as
Regression testing - monkeyrunner
can test application stability by running an application and comparing its
output screenshots to a set of screenshots that are known to be correct.
Extensible automation - Since
monkeyrunner is an API toolkit, you can develop an entire system of
Python-based modules and programs for controlling Android devices. Besides
using the monkeyrunner API itself, you can use the standard Python os and
subprocess modules to call Android tools such as Android Debug Bridge.
You can also add your own classes to
the monkeyrunner API. This is described in more detail in the section Extending
monkeyrunner with plugins.
The monkeyrunner tool uses Jython, a
implementation of Python that uses the Java programming language. Jython allows
the monkeyrunner API to interact easily with the Android framework. With Jython
you can use Python syntax to access the constants, classes, and methods of the
A Simple monkeyrunner Program
Here is a simple monkeyrunner
program that connects to a device, creating a MonkeyDevice object. Using the
MonkeyDevice object, the program installs an Android application package, runs
one of its activities, and sends key events to the activity. The program then
takes a screenshot of the result, creating a MonkeyImage object. From this
object, the program writes out a .png file containing the screenshot.
# Imports the monkeyrunner modules
used by this program import
MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice
# Connects to the current device,
returning a MonkeyDevice object
device =
# Installs the Android package.
Notice that this method returns a boolean, so you can test
# to see if the installation worked.
# sets a variable with the package's
internal name
package = ''
# sets a variable with the name of
an Activity in the package
activity =
# sets the name of the component to
runComponent = package + '/' +
# Runs the component
# Presses the Menu button'KEYCODE_MENU',
# Takes a screenshot
result = device.takeSnapshot()
# Writes the screenshot to a file
The monkeyrunner API
The monkeyrunner API is contained in
three modules in the package
MonkeyRunner: A class of utility
methods for monkeyrunner programs. This class provides a method for connecting
monkeyrunner to a device or emulator. It also provides methods for creating UIs
for a monkeyrunner program and for displaying the built-in help.
MonkeyDevice: Represents a device or
emulator. This class provides methods for installing and uninstalling packages,
starting an Activity, and sending keyboard or touch events to an application.
You also use this class to run test packages.
MonkeyImage: Represents a screen
capture image. This class provides methods for capturing screens, converting
bitmap images to various formats, comparing two MonkeyImage objects, and
writing an image to a file.
In a Python program, you access each
class as a Python module. The monkeyrunner tool does not import these modules
automatically. To import a module, use the Python from statement: import
where<module> is the class
name you want to import. You can import more than one module in the same from
statement by separating the module names with commas.
Running monkeyrunner
You can either run monkeyrunner
programs from a file, or enter monkeyrunner statements in an interactive
session. You do both by invoking the monkeyrunner command which is found in the
tools/ subdirectory of your SDK directory. If you provide a filename as an
argument, the monkeyrunner command runs the file's contents as a Python
program; otherwise, it starts an interactive session.
The syntax of the monkeyrunner command
monkeyrunner -plugin
Table 1 explains the flags and
Table 1.monkeyrunner flags and
-plugin <plugin_jar>
(Optional) Specifies a .jar file
containing a plugin for monkeyrunner. To learn more about monkeyrunner plugins,
see Extending monkeyrunner with plugins. To specify more than one file, include
the argument multiple times.
If you provide this argument, the
monkeyrunner command runs the contents of the file as a Python program. If the
argument is not provided, the command starts an interactive session.
(Optional) Flags and arguments for
the program in <program_file>.
monkeyrunner Built-in Help
You can generate an API reference
for monkeyrunner by running:
The arguments are:
<format> is either text for
plain text output or html for HTML output.
<outfile> is a path-qualified
name for the output file.
Extending monkeyrunner with Plugins
You can extend the monkeyrunner API
with classes you write in the Java programming language and build into one or
more .jar files. You can use this feature to extend the monkeyrunner API with
your own classes or to extend the existing classes. You can also use this
feature to initialize the monkeyrunner environment.
To provide a plugin to monkeyrunner,
invoke the monkeyrunner command with the -plugin <plugin_jar> argument
described in table 1.
In your plugin code, you can import
and extend the the main monkeyrunner classes MonkeyDevice, MonkeyImage, and
MonkeyRunner in (see Themonkeyrunner API).
Note that plugins do not give you
access to the Android SDK. You can't import packages such as
This is because monkeyrunner interacts with the device or emulator below the
level of the framework APIs.
The plugin startup class
The .jar file for a plugin can
specify a class that is instantiated before script processing starts. To
specify this class, add the key MonkeyRunnerStartupRunner to the .jar file's
manifest. The value should be the name of the class to run at startup. The
following snippet shows how you would do this within an ant build script:
<jar jarfile="myplugin"
To get access to monkeyrunner's
runtime environment, the startup class can implement<PythonInterpreter>. For example, this
class sets up some variables in the default namespace:
public class Main implements
Predicate<PythonInterpreter> {
apply(PythonInterpreteranInterpreter) {
* Examples of creating and initializing
variables in the monkeyrunnerenvironment's
* namespace. During execution, the
monkeyrunner program can refer to the variables "newtest"
* and "use_emulator"
return true;
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