QTP Framework:- Reporting function example

Report Function

' Create result file name along with creation date and time
    'KillProcessAll "iexplore.exe"
    'KillProcessAll "excel.exe"
    Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    ResultFilenamePath =  ResultFolder & "\newScale_AutomationResults_"
    varTime = Replace(Time, ":", "-")
    varDate = Date
    If InStr( varDate, "/") <> 0 Then
        varDate = Replace(varDate, "/", "-")
    End If
    ResultFilenamePath = ResultFilenamePath & varDate &"_"& varTime
'msgbox ResultFilenamePath
    strRunName = "Run_" & varDate &"_"& varTime

 ' Call create result file function to create result file, stored under logging_services_UM.vbs

    createResultFile ResultFilenamePath


Private Function Check_Value_IN_Excel_Column(ByRef NewSheet,val)

   For i = intResRowCnt to 1 step -1

        If Cstr(NewSheet.Cells(i,1)) = Cstr(val) Then
                Check_Value_IN_Excel_Column = True
                Exit For
                Check_Value_IN_Excel_Column = False
        End If 


End Function

'# Purpose: Copies template file from known folder to specified path
'# Method:    createResultFile
'# Inputs:    resFilePath (Datatype String, Result filename with full path)

    Public Function createResultFile(resFilePath)
       'Copy the result template file
    'On Error Resume next
       Dim fso
       'logger.LogInfo "createResultFile start"   
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        fso.CopyFile NEWSCALE_HOME & "\setup\templates\resulttemplate.xls", resFilePath & ".xls"
        Set fso = Nothing
        If Err.Number > 0 Then
            'logger.LogError "createResultFile " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & " " & Err.Source
        End If
        'logger.LogInfo "createResultFile end"   
    End Function

'# Purpose: Opens given sheet in controller file
'# Method:    OpenSheet
'# Inputs:    Controller file handel, sheetname
'# Outputs:     Handle to Sheet

    Public Function OpenSheet(ByRef ExcelObj, Byval sheet)
    On Error Resume Next
      '  logger.LogInfo "OpenSheet start"
        Dim sheetName
        sheetName = 1
        If Not isEmpty(sheet) Then sheetName = sheet
        Set OpenSheet = ExcelObj.Sheets.Item(sheetName)
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
          '  logger.LogError "OpenSheet " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
        End If
        'logger.LogInfo "OpenSheet end"
    End Function

'# Purpose: Writes result to DetailedResult worksheet of resultfile
'# Method:    reportResult
'# Inputs:    strActualResult (Datatype String, result of the operation)
'# Outputs:     None

Public Function reportResult (ByRef NewSheet)
'On Error resume next
'msgbox intRowCnt
'msgbox strModuleName
'msgbox NewSheet.Cells(intRowCnt -1,1).Text

'If Not Check_Value_IN_Excel_Column(NewSheet,strModuleName) Then
       NewSheet.Cells(intRowCnt , 1) = strModuleName
'End If

'If NewSheet.Cells(intRowCnt -1, 2) <> intRunStatus Then
       'NewSheet.Cells(intRowCnt , 2) = intRunStatus
'End If

'If  NewSheet.Cells(intRowCnt -1, 2) <> strTestCaseName Then
    NewSheet.Cells(intRowCnt , 2) = strTestCaseName   
'End If
       NewSheet.Cells(intRowCnt , 3) = strStep       
       NewSheet.Cells(intRowCnt , 4) = strActRes           
       NewSheet.Cells(intRowCnt , 5) = strStatus      
       If (strStatus = "PASS") Then
           NewSheet.Range("E" & intRowCnt).Font.ColorIndex = 50
           NewSheet.Range("E" & intRowCnt).Font.Bold = True      
           NewSheet.Range("E" & intRowCnt).Font.ColorIndex = 3
           NewSheet.Range("E" & intRowCnt).Font.Bold = True      
       End If
       NewSheet.Cells(intRowCnt , 6) = Time                            ' execution time stamp

   NewSheet.Range("A" & intRowCnt  & ":L" & intRowCnt ).Font.Size = 8
   intRowCnt  = intRowCnt  + 1
End Function

'# Purpose: Opens result file for writing
'# Method:    OpenResultFile
'# Inputs:    Result filename with complete path
'# Outputs:     Handle to result file

    Public Function OpenResultFile(Byval ResultFilenamePath)
    On Error Resume Next
       ' logger.LogInfo "OpenResultFile start"
        Dim ExcelObj
        Set ExcelObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
        ExcelObj.Visible = False
        ExcelObj.DisplayAlerts = False
        ExcelObj.Workbooks.Open ResultFilenamePath
        Set OpenResultFile = ExcelObj
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
           ' logger.LogError "OpenResultFile " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
        End If
       ' logger.LogInfo "OpenResultFile end"
    End Function

'# Purpose: Find the difference between two time component and return the result in the format
'#            xxHours yyMins zzSecs
'# Method:    TimeDiff
'# Inputs:    startTime (Datatype Time, Start time), endTime (Datatype Time, End Time)
'# Outputs:     Datatype String, format xx hours yy mins zz seconds
'# Errors:
'# Asserts:
'# Developer               Date             Comments
'# ---------               --------         --------

    Public Function TimeDiff(byval stTime, byval edTime)
        Dim ts, th, tm, tsec

        ts = DateDiff("s",stTime, edTime)
        th = CInt(ts / 3600)
        tm = CInt((ts - th * 3600) / 60)
        If tm < 0 Then tm = 60 - Abs(tm): th = th - 1
        tsec = CInt(ts - th * 3600 - tm * 60)
        If tsec < 0 Then tsec = 60 - Abs(tsec): tm = tm - 1
        TimeDiff = ""
        If th <> 0 Then
            TimeDiff = TimeDiff & th & " Hour"
        End If
        If tm <> 0 Then
            TimeDiff = TimeDiff & " " & tm & " Min"
        End If
        If tsec <> "" Then
            TimeDiff = TimeDiff & " " & tsec & " Sec"
        End If
    End Function

'# Purpose: Function to be executed after stopping the run due to QTP run error
'# Method:    Recovery_Run_Stopped
Function Recovery_Run_Stopped(Object, Method, Arguments, retVal)

    On error resume next

    reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Test Run Stopped","The The Test Run stopped due to QTP Run error"

    Set dtsModuleSheet = OpenSheet(resultFHand,"Report by Module")
    reportModuleResult dtsModuleSheet,resultFHand

    endTime = Time
    Set dtsHighLevSheet = OpenSheet(resultFHand,"High Level Report")
    reportHighLevResult dtsHighLevSheet,resultFHand

End Function

'# Purpose: Writes result to DetailedResult worksheet of resultfile
'# Method:    reportResult
'# Inputs:    strActualResult (Datatype String, result of the operation)

Public Function reportModuleResult (ByRef NewModuleSheet,ByRef resultFHand)
'On Error resume next

tempFlag = False
Set dtsActSheet = OpenSheet(resultFHand,"Report by Testcase")
srcRowCnt =  dtsActSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
'msgbox srcRowCnt

For i = 2 to srcRowCnt
If Lcase(dtsActSheet.Cells(i,5).Text) = "fail"  Then
    stepFailCnt = stepFailCnt + 1
End If

passCount = 0
failCount = 0
intResRowCnt = intResRowCnt + 1
'msgbox intResRowCnt
NewModuleSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt, 5) = dtsActSheet.Cells(tempCount+1,6).Text
tempCount = tempCount +1
'msgbox tempCount
If  tempCount > dtsActSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count Then
tempFlag = True
Exit Do
End If   

NewModuleSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt, 2) =  dtsActSheet.Cells(tempCount,1).Text
NewModuleSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt, 3) = dtsActSheet.Cells(tempCount,2).Text
'NewModuleSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt, 5) = Cdate(dtsActSheet.Cells(tempCount,6).Text )

'msgbox tempCount
resultState = dtsActSheet.Cells(tempCount,5).Text                 
'msgbox  LCase(Cstr(resultState))           

If LCase(Cstr(resultState)) = "pass" Then
passCount = passCount + 1
failCount = failCount + 1   
End If

'msgbox passCount
'msgbox failCount

' msgbox (Cstr(Trim(dtsActSheet.Cells(tempCount,2).Text ))&" = "& CStr(Trim(dtsActSheet.Cells(tempCount+1,2).Text )))
Loop While (Cstr(Trim(dtsActSheet.Cells(tempCount,2).Text )) =  CStr(Trim(dtsActSheet.Cells(tempCount+1,2).Text )))
'msgbox tempCount
NewModuleSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt, 6) =  dtsActSheet.Cells(tempCount,6).Text
NewModuleSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt, 7) = TimeDiff (NewModuleSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt, 5) ,NewModuleSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt, 6))
If tempFlag Then
Exit Do
End If
If failCount = 0 Then
NewModuleSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt, 4) = "PASS"
NewModuleSheet.Range("D" & intResRowCnt).Font.ColorIndex = 50
NewModuleSheet.Range("D" & intResRowCnt).Font.Bold = True
NewModuleSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt, 4) = "FAIL"
NewModuleSheet.Range("D" & intResRowCnt).Font.ColorIndex = 3
NewModuleSheet.Range("D" & intResRowCnt).Font.Bold = True
End If
'NewModuleSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt, 5) = timeDiff
NewModuleSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt, 1) = intSerialNumber
'msgbox NewModuleSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt, 1) &"   "& NewModuleSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt, 2)&"   "& NewModuleSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt, 3)&"   "& NewModuleSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt, 4)&"   "& NewModuleSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt, 5)&"   "& NewModuleSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt, 6)
'msgbox strModuleName
intSerialNumber = intSerialNumber +1
' msgbox CStr(dtsActSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt,1).Text)&" = "&CStr(strModuleName)
Loop while CStr(dtsActSheet.Cells(intResRowCnt,1).Text) = CStr(strModuleName)
NewModuleSheet.Range("A" & intResRowCnt & ":L" & intResRowCnt).Font.Size = 8
End Function

'# Purpose: Writes high level results by reading module level results
'# Method:    reportHighLevResult
'# Inputs:    Newsheet  handle and  excel file handle
'# Outputs:    
'# Errors:
'# Asserts:
'# Developer               Date             Comments
'# ---------               --------         --------
'# Kalyan                14-Apr-2007        Created

Public Function reportHighLevResult (ByRef NewHighLevSheet,ByRef resultFHand)
'On Error resume next

                tempFlag = False
                tempModuleResCnt = 1
                totalTestCases = 0
                totalPassCnt = 0
                totalFailCnt = 0

               Set dtsModSheet = OpenSheet(resultFHand,"Report by Module")

               NewHighLevSheet.Cells(2 ,2) = "Test Summary of NSI as on   "&now
                NewHighLevSheet.Cells(3 ,2) = "Application URL :"& strAppURL &" (Build & Version:  "&  strBuildNumber &")"
                NewHighLevSheet.Cells(10,3) = startTime
                NewHighLevSheet.Cells(11,3) = endTime
                 NewHighLevSheet.Cells(12 ,3) = TimeDiff(startTime,endTime)
               'msgbox dtsModSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
While (tempModuleResCnt < dtsModSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count ) And (Cstr(Trim(dtsModSheet.Cells(tempModuleResCnt+1,2))) <> "")
'msgbox "The condition is "& tempModuleResCnt&"<="& dtsModSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
'msgbox "Condition is true entering 1st  while loop"
'msgbox intHighLevResultCnt
testCaseCnt = 0
passCnt = 0
failCnt = 0
'msgbox "The Condition is  "& Cstr(Trim(dtsModSheet.Cells(tempModuleResCnt,2)))&" = "&Cstr(Trim(dtsModSheet.Cells(tempModuleResCnt+1,2)))
tempModuleResCnt = tempModuleResCnt + 1
'msgbox "The Condition is  "& Cstr(Trim(dtsModSheet.Cells(tempModuleResCnt,2)))&" = "&Cstr(Trim(dtsModSheet.Cells(tempModuleResCnt+1,2)))
'msgbox "Condition is true entering 2nd Do  loop"
'msgbox tempModuleResCnt

modName = dtsModSheet.Cells(tempModuleResCnt,2)
testCaseCnt = testCaseCnt + 1
If  Lcase(Cstr(Trim(dtsModSheet.Cells(tempModuleResCnt,4)))) = "pass" Then
   passCnt = passCnt + 1
 failCnt = failCnt + 1       
End If

Loop While Cstr(Trim(dtsModSheet.Cells(tempModuleResCnt,2))) = Cstr(Trim(dtsModSheet.Cells(tempModuleResCnt+1,2)))   
                totalTestCases =     totalTestCases + testCaseCnt
                totalPassCnt = totalPassCnt + passCnt
                totalFailCnt = totalFailCnt + failCnt

                NewHighLevSheet.Cells(intHighLevResultCnt,2) = modName
                NewHighLevSheet.Cells(intHighLevResultCnt,3) = testCaseCnt
                NewHighLevSheet.Cells(intHighLevResultCnt,4) = passCnt
                NewHighLevSheet.Cells(intHighLevResultCnt,5) = failCnt
                NewHighLevSheet.Cells(intHighLevResultCnt,6) = ((passCnt/testCaseCnt)*100)&"%"
                NewHighLevSheet.Range("F" & intHighLevResultCnt).Font.ColorIndex = 50
                NewHighLevSheet.Range("F" & intHighLevResultCnt).Font.Bold = True
                NewHighLevSheet.Cells(intHighLevResultCnt,7) = ((failCnt/testCaseCnt)*100)&"%"
                NewHighLevSheet.Range("G" & intHighLevResultCnt).Font.ColorIndex = 3
                NewHighLevSheet.Range("G" & intHighLevResultCnt).Font.Bold = True

'msgbox NewHighLevSheet.Cells(intHighLevResultCnt,2) &"   "&NewHighLevSheet.Cells(intHighLevResultCnt,3)&"   "&NewHighLevSheet.Cells(intHighLevResultCnt,4)&"   "&NewHighLevSheet.Cells(intHighLevResultCnt,5)&"   "& ((failCnt/testCaseCnt)*100)&"%"
                intHighLevResultCnt = intHighLevResultCnt + 1          
               'msgbox "Total Cases "& totalTestCases &"Total Pass "& totalPassCnt &"Total Failed "& totalFailCnt
                passPercent = ((totalPassCnt/totalTestCases)*100)
                failPercent = ((totalFailCnt/totalTestCases)*100)
                NewHighLevSheet.Cells(7,3) = totalTestCases
                NewHighLevSheet.Cells(8,3) = totalPassCnt
                NewHighLevSheet.Cells(9,3) = totalFailCnt
                NewHighLevSheet.Cells(4,2) = Round(passPercent, 2) & " % of the Test Cases Passed"  
                     NewHighLevSheet.Cells(5,3) = Round(failPercent, 2)  & " % of the Test Cases Failed"    
'               Set dtsTempSheet = OpenSheet(resultFHand,"Report by Testcase")    
 '              stepFailCnt = 0
    '           For i = 2 to dtsTempSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    '           If  Lcase(Cstr(Trim(dtsTempSheet.Cells(i,5).Text))) = "fail" Then
                   stepFailCnt = stepFailCnt +1
            '   End If
        NewHighLevSheet.Cells(5,2) =  stepFailCnt &" Errors Reported."
        NewHighLevSheet.Range("A" & intResRowCnt & ":L" & intResRowCnt).Font.Size = 8

End Function   

Open a Excel sheet and write the contents.
Excel functions

Public Function WriteToXls(ByVal strFilename, ByVal strColumn, ByVal iRow, ByVal strValue)
On Error Resume Next
Dim ExcelObj
Dim NewSheet
Dim colIndex
logger.LogInfo "WriteToXls start"
Set ExcelObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
ExcelObj.Visible = False
ExcelObj.DisplayAlerts = False
ExcelObj.Workbooks.Open strFilename
Set NewSheet = ExcelObj.Sheets.Item(1)
'Get Column index
colIndex = GetColumnIndex(NewSheet,strColumn)
'Adjust Row index
iRow = iRow + 1
        'Fill value
        NewSheet.Cells(iRow, colIndex).Value = CStr(strValue)
        'Save the file
        'Close the file
        Set NewSheet = Nothing
        Set Excelobj = Nothing   
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            logger.LogError "WriteToXls " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
        End If
        logger.LogInfo "WriteToXls end"
    End Function

'# Purpose: Gets the column indeex for the required column name in the specified param xls
'# Method:    GetColumnIndex
'# Inputs:    sheetHandle(Datatype XL sheet, object reference to XL sheet), strColumn (Datatype String, Name of
'#             the column)
    Public Function GetColumnIndex(ByRef sheetHandle, ByVal strColumn)
    On Error Resume Next
        Dim i       
        logger.LogInfo "GetColumnIndex start"
        GetColumnIndex = -1       
        For i = 1 To sheetHandle.UsedRange.Columns.count
            If ucase(trim(sheetHandle.Cells(1,i).Text)) = ucase(trim(strColumn)) Then
                GetColumnIndex = i
                Exit For
            End If
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            logger.LogError "GetColumnIndex " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
        End If
        logger.LogInfo "GetColumnIndex end"
    End Function   

'# Purpose: Writes the given value to specified param xls file
'# Method:    WriteToXlsColumnParams
'# Inputs:    strFilename(Datatype String, Xls file name with path), strColumn (Datatype String, Name of
'#             the column) , iRow (Datatype Integer, row number), strValue (Datatype String/Variant Value
'#            to be written
    Public Function WriteToXlsColumnParams(ByVal strFilename, ByVal strRow, ByVal iCol, ByVal strValue)
    On Error Resume Next
        Dim ExcelObj
        Dim NewSheet
        Dim colIndex
        logger.LogInfo "WriteToXlsColumnParams start"
        Set ExcelObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
        ExcelObj.Visible = False
        ExcelObj.DisplayAlerts = False
        ExcelObj.Workbooks.Open strFilename
        Set NewSheet = ExcelObj.Sheets.Item(1)
        'Get Column index
        rowIndex = GetRowIndex(NewSheet,strRow)
        'Adjust Row index
        iCol = iCol + 1
        'Fill value
        NewSheet.Cells(rowIndex, iCol).Value = CStr(strValue)
        'Save the file
        'Close the file
        Set NewSheet = Nothing
        Set Excelobj = Nothing   
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            logger.LogError "WriteToXlsColumnParams " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
        End If
        logger.LogInfo "WriteToXlsColumnParams end"
    End Function
'# Purpose: Gets the row indeex for the required column name in the specified param xls
'# Method:    GetRowIndex
'# Inputs:    sheetHandle(Datatype XL sheet, object reference to XL sheet), strColumn (Datatype String, Name of
'#             the column)
    Public Function GetRowIndex(ByRef sheetHandle, ByVal strRow)
    On Error Resume Next
        Dim i       
        logger.LogInfo "GetRowIndex start"
        GetRowIndex = -1       
        For i = 1 To sheetHandle.UsedRange.Rows.count
            If ucase(trim(sheetHandle.Cells(i,1).Text)) = ucase(trim(strRow)) Then
                GetRowIndex = i
                Exit For
            End If
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            logger.LogError "GetRowIndex " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
        End If
        logger.LogInfo "GetRowIndex end"
    End Function   

2.    Msgbox
msgbox "col index "&colIndex ‘will display col index 1

'Public function Writetoexcel (byval strfilename, byval rowno, byval colno, byval val, byval shetno)
'Set Excelobj = Createobject("Excel.Application")
'Excelobj.visible = True
'Excelobj.displayalerts = False
'Excelobj.Workbooks.open strfilename
'Set NewSheet = ExcelObj.Sheets.Item(shetno)
'For i=1 to rowno
'    For j=1 to colno
'        NewSheet.Cells(i, j).Value = CStr(val)
'        msgbox "rowno "&rowno
'         msgbox "colno "&colno
'        msgbox "val "&val
'    Next
'   ExcelObj.ActiveWorkbook.Save
'End Function
'a = Writetoexcel ("C:\new.xls", 4, 4, "a" , 2)

'-------------------- display what is there in excel fro row 1 to row 2

'Public function Readfromexcel (byval strfilename, byval rowno, byval colno, byval shetno)
'Set Excelobj = Createobject("Excel.Application")
'Excelobj.visible = True
'Excelobj.displayalerts = False
'Excelobj.Workbooks.open strfilename
'Set NewSheet = ExcelObj.Sheets.Item(shetno)
'For i=1 to rowno
'    For j=1 to colno
'        val = NewSheet.Cells(i, j).Value
'        msgbox "rowno "&i&"col no "&j&" " &val
'''         msgbox "colno "&colno
'''        msgbox "val "&val
'    Next
'   ExcelObj.ActiveWorkbook.Save
'End Function
'a = Readfromexcel ("C:\new.xls", 4, 4, 2)


****************************************Library Details********************************************************
'* Library Name                        :     Create Results Folder
'* Library Description                :    The library provides the Function to create the results folder to store
' the automation results. The function fetches the default path to create the results folder from 'Global Environment' Variable XML File Named as
' Global_Variables.xml, stored in the automation framework folder.
'* Type of Library                    :     User Defined
'* User Defined Functions Used        :    Func_Create_Results_Folder
'* Number of Input Parameters        :    0
'* Number of Output Parameters        :    1
'* Name of Input Parameters            :    N/A
'* Name of Output Parameters        :    strFolderPath
'* Descritpion of Input Parameters    :    N/A
'* Descritpion of Output Parameters    :    The function returns the final results folder path.
'******************************Author, Creation & Modification Details*****************************************
'* Created By                     :     Kalyan
'* Date Created                    :    14th April 2011
'* Called From (Action Name)    :    N/A
'* Last Updated By                :    Kalyan                       
'* Date Updated                    :     14th April 2011

Public Function Func_Create_Results_Folder
    Dim strFolderPath
    strTodaydate = Now()
    strTodaydate = Replace(Replace(Replace(strTodaydate,"/",""),":","")," ","")
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
    strFolderPath = Environment.Value("strResultsFolderPath")&strTodaydate
End Function

''<name> CreateHTMLReport</name>
''<description> This function  creates the text log file based on current date as an input for html log file.</description>
''<param name="strHTMLFilePath">[in] The text file path which needs to be created and transformed into html file.</param>
''<returns> NIL</returns>
''    strHTMLFilePath =strLogfilePath &"\HTML_Result_Log_"& Environment.Value("TestName") &"_TestSuite_"& dtMyDate & ".txt"  
''    Call CreateHTMLReport(strHTMLFilePath)
''   Date                            Author                    Changes/Notes
''-----------                    ------------------                -----------------------
''     28-Dec-2010        Kalyan            Initial version.

Public Sub CreateHTMLReport(strTextLogfilePath)
    On Error Resume Next
        Dim dtStartDateTime
        Dim dtEndDateTime
        Dim intHour, intMinute ,intSec , a
        Dim fso
        Const ForWriting = 2
        a= "0" 

        intHour = Hour(Time)
        intMinute = Minute(Time)            
        intSec = Second(Time)
        If Len(intHour) < 2  Then
            intHour = a & intHour
        End If

        If Len(intMinute) < 2  Then
            intMinute = a & intMinute
        End If

        If Len(intSec) < 2  Then
            intSec = a & intSec
        End If

        dtStartDateTime = Day(Date) &"-"& MonthName(Month(Date),3)  &"-"& Year(Date)&", "& intHour  &":"& intMinute &":"& intSec           
        Set fso = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If Not (fso.FileExists(strTextLogfilePath)) Then
                    fso.CreateTextFile strTextLogfilePath, True                   
                    Set objHTMLTextFile = fso.OpenTextFile(strTextLogfilePath, 2, True)
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<html>"

                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<head>"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<style>"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "td{"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "border-color: black;"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "font-size: 14;"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "}"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "thead{"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "border-color: black;"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "font-size: 14;"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "font-weight: bold;"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "text-align: center;"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "}"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine ".resultSummary{"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "border-color: black;"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "font-size: 20;"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "font-weight: bold;"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "text-align: center;"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "}"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine ".summaryTable{"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "border-color: black;"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "}"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine ".centerTd{"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "text-align: center;"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "}"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "</style>"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "</head>"

                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<body bgcolor=#99ccff >"  ''''body Color "Sky Blue"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<h1 style="&chr(34)&"text-align:center"&chr(34)&"><b> Automation Tests Results</b></h1>"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<br />"

                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<table align=center" &" " &"border=1"&" " &" class=summaryTable"&">"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<thead><tr><td colspan=2" &" " &"align=center " &" " &" class=resultSummary"&"> Result Summary: </td></tr></thead>"

                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<tr><td>Execution Start Date and Time : </td><td>"& dtStartDateTime &"</td></tr>"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<tr><td>Execution End Date and Time : </td><td> EndDateTime </td></tr>"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<tr><td>Executed on Machine : </td><td>"& Environment.Value("LocalHostName") &"</td></tr>"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<tr><td>Test Name : </td><td>"& Environment.Value("TestName") &"</td></tr>" 
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<tr><td>Executed by : </td><td>"& Environment.Value("UserName") &"</td></tr>"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<tr><td>Number of Steps Executed : </td><td> subTotal </td></tr>"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<tr><td>Number of Steps Passed : </td><td> subPassed </td></tr>"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<tr><td>Number of Steps Failed : </td><td> subFailed </td></tr>"

                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "</table>"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<hr />"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<h2 align=center>Result Description: </h2>"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<hr />"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<Table Border="&chr(34)&"1"&chr(34)&"cellpadding="&chr(34)&"10"&chr(34)&"bgcolor="&chr(34)&"#FFFFFF"&chr(34)&">"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<tr>"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "</tr>"   

                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine("<tr bgcolor=#99ffff height=2>")
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine("<td width=200><p align=center >Action Name</p></td>")                   
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine("<td width=200><p align=center >Step Name</p></td>")
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine("<td width=200><p align=center >Step Description</p></td>")
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine("<td width=200><p align=center >Expected Result</p></td>")
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine("<td width=136><p align=center >Status</p></td>")
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine("<td width=200><p align=center >Execution Time</p></td>")
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine(" <td width=200><p align=center >Status Image Location</p></td>")                                   
        End If   
            Set objHTMLTextFile = nothing               
            Set fso = nothing
End Sub

''<name> FinishCreatingHTMLReport</name>
''<description> This function  should be called at the end of teh suite, it  converts teh text log file into html log file.</description>
''<param name="strLogfilePath">[in] Result folder path where the html log file needs to be created.</param>
''<returns> NIL</returns>
''    Call FinishCreatingHTMLReport("D:\QTP_Pearson\test_html")
''   Date                            Author                    Changes/Notes
''-----------                    ------------------                -----------------------
''     28-Dec-2010        Kalyan            Initial version.
Public Sub FinishCreatingHTMLReport(strLogfilePath)
''Public Sub FinishCreatingHTMLReport(strTextLogfilePath,strLogfilePath)
    On Error Resume Next
            Dim fso
            Dim objHTMLTextFile
            Dim strOldContents
            Dim a, intHour, intMinute, intSec
            Dim  strMyDate, strTextLogfilePath, dtMyDate, strLineData
            Dim arrLineData, intTotal , intPassed, intFailed
            Dim  strNewContents1,strNewContents2, strNewContents3, strNewContents4
            Const ForReading = 1
            Const ForWriting = 2
            Const ForAppending = 8

            strMyDate = Day(Date) &"_"& MonthName(Month(Date),3)  &"_"& Year(Date)
            strTextLogfilePath =strLogfilePath &"\HTML_Result_Log_"& Environment.Value("TestName") &"_TestSuite_"& strMyDate & ".txt"  

                dtMyDate = Day(Date) &"_"& MonthName(Month(Date),3)  &"_"& Year(Date) &"-"& Hour(Time)  &"_"& Minute(Time) &"_"& Second(Time)           
                Set fso = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
                If fso.FileExists(strTextLogfilePath) Then
                    If fso.FolderExists(strLogfilePath) Then
                        a = "0"
                        intHour = Hour(Time)
                        intMinute = Minute(Time)           
                        intSec = Second(Time)
                        If Len(intHour) < 2  Then
                        intHour = a & intHour
                        End If
                        If Len(intMinute) < 2  Then
                        intMinute = a & intMinute
                        End If
                        If Len(intSec) < 2  Then
                        intSec = a & intSec
                        End If 
                            intPassed= 0
                            intFailed= 0       
                            Set objHTMLTextFile = fso.OpenTextFile(strTextLogfilePath,1)               
                            Do Until objHTMLTextFile.AtEndOfStream = "True"                               
                                    strLineData = Trim(objHTMLTextFile.ReadLine)
                                            If strLineData <> "" Then                               
                                                arrLineData = Split(strLineData," ")
                                                For i = 0 To UBound(arrLineData)
                                                    If Trim(arrLineData(i)) ="Pass"  Then
                                                        intPassed = intPassed+1
                                                    ElseIf Trim(arrLineData(i)) ="Fail"  Then
                                                       intFailed = intFailed+1   
                                                    End If
                                            End If
                    intTotal = intPassed+ intFailed

                    dtEndDateTime = Day(Date) &"-"& MonthName(Month(Date),3)  &"-"& Year(Date)&", "& intHour  &":"& intMinute &":"& intSec           
                    Set objHTMLTextFile = fso.OpenTextFile(strTextLogfilePath,1)
                            strOldContents = objHTMLTextFile.ReadAll
                            strNewContents1 = Replace(strOldContents, "EndDateTime",dtEndDateTime)
                            strNewContents2 =Replace(strNewContents1, "subTotal",intTotal)
                            strNewContents3 =Replace(strNewContents2, "subPassed",intPassed)
                            strNewContents4 =Replace(strNewContents3, "subFailed",intFailed)
                    Set objHTMLTextFile = fso.OpenTextFile(strTextLogfilePath,2, True)
                        objHTMLTextFile.Write strNewContents4
                    Set objHTMLTextFile = fso.OpenTextFile(strTextLogfilePath,8, True)
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "<tr>"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "</tr>"       
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "</Table>"                   
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "</body>"
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine "</html>"

                        fso.MoveFile strTextLogfilePath,strLogfilePath &"\HTML_Result_Log_"& Environment.Value("TestName") &"_TestSuite_"& dtMyDate & ".html"   
                        SystemUtil.Run(strLogfilePath &"\HTML_Result_Log_"& Environment.Value("TestName") &"_TestSuite_"& dtMyDate & ".html")
                        Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning, "FinishCreatingHTMLReport",strLogfilePath &" : Result folder path is invalid."
                    End If
                     Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning, "FinishCreatingHTMLReport",strTextLogfilePath &": file path is invalid."
                End If
            Set fso = Nothing
End Sub

Public Sub InsertIntoHTMLReport(strStepName, strStepShortDesc, strExpectedResult, blnStatus, strLogfilePath,blnImage)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim dtMyDate
    Dim strHTMLFilePath
        dtMyDate = Day(Date) &"_"& MonthName(Month(Date),3)  &"_"& Year(Date)
            strHTMLFilePath =strLogfilePath &"\HTML_Result_Log_"& Environment.Value("TestName") &"_TestSuite_"& dtMyDate & ".txt"  
    If strLogfilePath <> "" Then  
        Dim objFSO
        Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If (objFSO.FileExists(strHTMLFilePath)) Then
            Call UpdateHTMLReport(strStepName, strStepShortDesc, strExpectedResult, blnStatus, strHTMLFilePath,strLogfilePath,blnImage)
            Call CreateHTMLReport(strHTMLFilePath)
            Call UpdateHTMLReport (strStepName, strStepShortDesc, strExpectedResult, blnStatus, strHTMLFilePath,strLogfilePath,blnImage)
        End If   
        Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "ERROR. Log file path is not specified", ""   
    End If        
    Set objFSO = Nothing
End Sub

''<name> UpdateHTMLReport</name>
''<description> This function  updates the text log file as well as the QTP embeded Result log.</description>
''<param name="strStepName">[in] The calling function name or  the Step name</param>
''<param name="strStepDesc">[in] Short Description of Step or calling function</param>
''<param name="strExpectedResult">[in] Expected Result description</param>
''<param name="blnStatus">[in]  "True" for passed  validation, "False" for  failed validation</param>
''<param name="strHTMLFilePath">[in] The text file path which needs to be updated and transformed into html file.</param>
''<param name="strLogfilePath">[in] Result folder path where the html log file needs to be created</param>
'<param name="blnImage">[in] True or False , True if SnapShot is required , False if not required </param>
''<returns> NIL</returns>
''    strHTMLFilePath =strLogfilePath &"\HTML_Result_Log_"& Environment.Value("TestName") &"_TestSuite_"& dtMyDate & ".txt"  
''    Call UpdateHTMLReport( "Pearson Testing",  "Testing Pearson Scenarios", "Automation Success", True, strHTMLFilePath,"D:\QTP_Pearson\test_html",True)
''   Date                            Author                    Changes/Notes
''-----------                    ------------------                -----------------------
''     28-Dec-2010        Kalyan            Initial version.
Public Sub UpdateHTMLReport(strStepName, strStepDesc, strExpectedResult, blnStatus, strHTMLFilePath,strLogfilePath,blnImage)
On Error Resume Next
            Dim dtMyDate
            Dim qtApp
            Dim strMyStatus
            Dim strVarStatus
            Dim strColor
            Dim dtExecutionTime
            Dim a, intHour  , intMinute , intSec   
                Const ForWriting = 2
                Const ForAppending = 8

                dtMyDate = Day(Date) &"_"& MonthName(Month(Date),3)  &"_"& Year(Date)

                If UCase(Trim(blnStatus)) = Ucase("True")  Then
                        strMyStatus = "Pass"
                        strColor ="GREEN"
                Elseif UCase(Trim(blnStatus)) = Ucase("False") Then
                        strMyStatus = "Fail"
                        strColor ="RED"
                End If

                Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")
                strTimeStamp = Day(Date) & Month(Date) & Year(Date) &"_"& Hour(Time) & Minute(Time) & Second(Time)

                If UCase(Trim(blnImage)) =UCase("True")Then               
                ''    If blnStatus <> "True"   Then
                        Dim strStatusFileName, strStatusFilePath,strStatusStepFilePath                                                
                            strStatusFileName = "Execution_status_image_"& strTimeStamp & ".bmp"
                            strStatusFilePath = strLogfilePath & "\" & strStatusFileName
                            qtApp.Visible = False
                            Desktop.CaptureBitmap strStatusFilePath, True
                            qtApp.Visible = True
                            strStatusStepFilePath = strStatusFilePath
                ''    Else
                ''            strStatusStepFilePath  = "NA"
                ''    End If  

                ElseIf    UCase(Trim(blnImage)) =UCase("False") Then
                       strStatusStepFilePath  = "NA"
                        Reporter.ReportEvent micWarning, "InsertIntoHTMLReport","blnImage parameter value: "& blnImage &"  is not passed properly. Please pass boolean value."
                        Exit Sub
                End If
                    a= "0"             
                    intHour = Hour(Time)
                    intMinute = Minute(Time)           
                    intSec = Second(Time)
                    If Len(intHour) < 2  Then
                        intHour = a & intHour
                    End If
                    If Len(intMinute) < 2  Then
                        intMinute = a & intMinute
                    End If
                    If Len(intSec) < 2  Then
                        intSec = a & intSec
                    End If
                dtExecutionTime =Day(Date) &"-"& MonthName(Month(Date),3)  &"-"& Year(Date)&", "& intHour  &":"& intMinute &":"& intSec           

                Set fso = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")   

                Set objHTMLTextFile = fso.OpenTextFile(strHTMLFilePath, 8, true)           
                objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine("<td><font color=BLACK face=ARIAL>"& Environment.Value("ActionName") &"</font></td>")
                objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine("<td><font color=BLACK face=ARIAL>"& strStepName &"</font></td>")
                objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine("<td><font color=BLACK face=ARIAL>"& strStepDesc &"</font></td>")
                objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine("<td><font color=BLACK face=ARIAL>"& strExpectedResult &"</font></td>")                                
                objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine("<td ><font color=" & strColor &" face=ARIAL> "& strMyStatus &" </font></td>")
                objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine("<td ><font color=BLACK face=ARIAL>"& dtExecutionTime &"</font></td>")
                If strStatusStepFilePath ="NA" Then   
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine("<td ><font color=BLACK face=ARIAL>"& strStatusStepFilePath &"</font></td>")
                    objHTMLTextFile.WriteLine("<td><font color=" & strColor &" face=ARIAL><a href='"& strStatusStepFilePath & "'>"& strStatusStepFilePath & "</a></font></td>")
                End If


                If strMyStatus = "Pass" Then
                    strVarStatus  = micPass
                    Reporter.ReportEvent strVarStatus , strStepName , strStepDesc & ", Expected Result :  <" & strExpectedResult &">.", strStatusStepFilePath    
                Elseif strMyStatus ="Fail" Then
                    strVarStatus  = micFail
                    Reporter.ReportEvent strVarStatus , strStepName , strStepDesc & " , Expected Result :  <" & strExpectedResult & ">.",strStatusStepFilePath    
                End If    

                Set objHTMLTextFile = Nothing
                Set qtApp = Nothing
                Set fso = Nothing

End Sub

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