Java Language for Selenium
Why Java for Selenium?
- Selenium written in Java, it doesn't mean that Java only more compatible with selenium, we can use other supported languages also.
- Good support for Selenium with Java, You can get more help documents and implementations from Internet.
- Majority of Selenium Testers (nearly 77%) using Java, so knowledge sharing is very easy.
- Java is platform independent language; we can use it on any Operating environment.
How much Java is
required for Selenium?
- Fore Test Automation using Selenium Core Java knowledge is sufficient, Advanced Java not required.
- Java Basics and Object Oriented Concepts are required.
We can segregate Java
for Selenium into 2 categories.
A) Java Basics
B) Java Object Oriented
1) Overview on Java
Java Programming Language was developed by Sun
Microsystems in 1995, now it is subsidiary of Oracle Corporation.
Java is an Object Oriented programming Language,
In Java, everything is an Object. Java can be easily extended since it is based
on the Object model.
Java is a Platform independent Language. It can
be compiled and interpreted.
Java is Simple, It is easy to learn and
Java is Securable, using Java we can develop
virus free and tamper free systems.
2) Java Environment
We have to setup java environment to write and
execute Java programs, It
Varies from one operating system to another.
If it is DOS (from Command prompt in Windows),
install java Software (JDK) and set Environment variables.
If it is Windows GUI, install Java and
Eclipse(Java Editor) to write and execute Java programs
3) Java Syntax
Java is case sensitive language(deference is
there in between upper and lower case letters)
Ex: Identifiers UFT and uft have different
meaning in java
First letter of a Class Name should be in upper
Method names should start with lower case letter
Java Program file name should exactly match with
class name.
public static void main (String args[])- Java
program execution starts from main method, which is mandatory in every java
Every statement should end with semi colon
4) Usage of Java
Developing Desktop Applications (Ex: Acrobat
Developing Web Applications
Developing Enterprise Applications (ex: banking,
Insurance Applications)
developing mobile applications
Embedded systems
smart cards
Games etc...
A) java Basics
1) Comments in Java
Purpose of comments
· To make the code readable
· To make the Disable from execution
Java supports Single
line comment and multiple lines comment.
2) Data Types in Java
There are two categories
of Data types in Java
a) Primitive data types
b) Reference data types
3) Variables
a) Local variables
b) Instance variables
c) Class / Static
4) Java Modifiers
Modifiers are used to
set access levels for Classes, variables, methods
a) Access Modifiers
(Default, Public, Private, Protected)
b) Non-access Modifiers
(Static, Final, Abstract, Synchronized)
5) Operators in java
Operators are used to
perform mathematical, comparison and logical
Categories of operators:
a) Arithmetic
b) Relational operators
c) Bitwise operators
d) Logical operators
e) Assignment operators
f) Mise Operators
6) Conditional
Used to insert
verification points and for error handling.
Types of conditional
statements in Java:
a) If Statement
b) Switch statement
Types of Condition:
a) Single condition
b) Compound conditions
c) Nested conditions
Usage of conditional
a) Executing a block of
statements when condition is true.
b) Execute a block of
statements when condition is true otherwise
execute another block of
c) Decide among several
alternates (Else if)
d) Executing a block of
statements when more than one condition is
true.(Nested if)
e) Decide among several
alternates (Switch statement)
7) Loop statements
used for repetitive
Types of Loop Statements
a) For Loop
b) While Loop
c) Do...While Loop
d) Enhanced For Loop
(mainly used for Arrays)
8) Arrays in Java
Generally, Array is a
collection of similar type of elements.
In Java, Array is an
object that contains elements of similar data types.
Java Array is index
based, index starts from zero.
The length of an Array
is established when the Array is created and
Array length is fixed.
Each item in an Array is
called an Element.
Declaration of Arrays
Assigning values to
Advantages and
Disadvantages of Arrays.
9) Java Methods
Methods are also known
as procedures or functions
A Java method is a
collection of statements that are grouped together to
perform an operation.
Ex: System.out.println
If you call the method,
the system actually executes several statements,
in order to display a
message on the console.
We can create methods
with or without returning any value.
Basically Methods are
two types
a) Built-in or
Number Methods
Character methods
String methods
& Time Methods
b) User defined
Method with returning value
Method without returning any value
10) Regular Expressions
It is a formula for
matching patterns, A Regular expression defines
search pattern for
Java provides the
java.util.regex package for pattern matching with
regular expressions.
11) File and I/O
operations in Java.
The package
contains classes to perform input and output (I/O)
operations in Java.
Reading using input
Displaying on the
Reading and writing text
Working with Excel
12) Exception handling
in Java
In Computer programming,
Exception is an abnormal condition.
An exception is an event
that occurs during the execution of a program
that disrupts the normal
flow of instructions.
The exception handling
in java is one of the powerful mechanisms to
handle the runtime
errors so that normal flow of the application can be
Java object oriented
1) Class, Object, Method
In object oriented
programming system(OOPS), we design a program using
Objects and classes.
It is an entity that has
states and behaviors is known as Object.
Ex: Pen, Chair, Table,
Computer etc...
States / Properties of
Dog object are color, height, weight etc... and
behaviors moving,
barking, jumping etc...
Class is a template or blueprint
from with objects are created.
A Class a group of
objects that has common properties.
Method: An operation on Object.
2) Inheritance
Inheritance is a
mechanism in which one object acquires all the
properties and behaviors
of parent object.
Using Inheritance we can
create classes that are built upon existing
When we Inherit from an
existing class, we can reuse methods and fields
from parent class and we
can add new methods and fields also.
Java Supports:
a) Single Inheritance
b) Multi level
c) Hierarchical
Note: Java doesn't support Multiple Inheritance.
3) Method Overloading
and Overriding
If a class having
multiple methods with same name, but different
parameters are known as
method overloading.
Method overloading
increases the readability of the program.
There are two ways to
overload the method in Java
a) by changing number of
add (int a, int b)
add (int a, int b, int
b) by changing data
add (int a, int b)
add (char a, char b)
In Object Oriented
programming overriding means to override the
functionality of an
existing method.
Method overriding
provides a specific implementation of a method that is
already provided by its
super class (Parent class)
It is used for runtime
4) Polymorphism
It is a concept by which
we can perform a single in different ways.
Polymorphism derived
from two Greek word poly and morphs
Poly means -many
morphs means -forms /
ways, so polymorphism means many forms.
we have two types of
Polymorphism in java
a) Compile time
b) Runtime polymorphism.
We can perform
polymorphism in java by method overloading and method
5) Abstraction
Abstraction is a process
of hiding the implementation details and
showing functionality to
the user.
Another way, it shows
important things to the user and hides internal
Ex: Sending email
you just type the email
and send, you don't internal process of the
email delivery.
Abstraction focuses on
what the object does instead of how it does.
In two ways we can
achieve Abstraction
a) Abstract Class (0 to
b) Interface (100%)
6) Encapsulation
Encapsulation is one of
the four fundamental oops concepts, other three
are Inheritance,
Polymorphism and Abstraction.
Encapsulation is a
process of wrapping code and data together into a
single unit.
Ex: Capsule (mixed of
several medicines)
It provides the control
over the data, suppose we want to value of the
id greater than 100
only, we can write the logic inside the setter method.
7) Java packages
A Java package is a
group of similar type of classes, interfaces and
There are two types of
java packages
a) Built in packages
Ex: io, util, sql etc...
b) User defined packages
8) Interfaces in Java
An interface is a
collection of abstract methods.
An interface is not a
class, writing an interface is similar to writing
a class, but two are
different concepts.
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