QTP Framework:- Generic Functions examples

Generic Functions

1. Find the difference between two time component and return the result in the format
2. Different ways of launching applications.
3. Different wait options.
4. Click on any button.
5. Enter data.
6. CHECKORUNCHECK radio button

'# Purpose: Find the difference between two time component and return the result in the format
'#            xxHours yyMins zzSecs
'# Inputs:    stTime (Datatype Time, Start time), edTime (Datatype Time, End Time)
'# Outputs:     Datatype String, format xx hours yy mins zz seconds

    Public Function TimeDiff(byval stTime, byval edTime)
        Dim ts
        logger.LogInfo "TimeDiff start"
        ts = DateDiff("s",stTime, edTime)
        TimeDiff = TimeString(ts)
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            logger.LogError "TimeDiff " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
        End If
        logger.LogInfo "TimeDiff end"
    End Function
    Public Function TimeString(byval ts)
        Dim th, tm, tsec
        logger.LogInfo "TimeString start"       
        th = CInt(ts / 3600)
        tm = CInt((ts - th * 3600) / 60)
        If tm < 0 Then tm = 60 - Abs(tm): th = th - 1
        tsec = CInt(ts - th * 3600 - tm * 60)
        If tsec < 0 Then tsec = 60 - Abs(tsec): tm = tm - 1
        TimeString = ""
        If th <> 0 Then
            TimeString = Time_s & th & " Hour"
        End If
        If tm <> 0 Then
            TimeString = TimeString & " " & tm & " Min"
        End If
        If tsec <> "" Then
            TimeString = TimeString & " " & tsec & " Sec"
        End If
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            logger.LogError "TimeString " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
        End If
        logger.LogInfo "TimeString end"
    End Function

2. Different ways of launching applications.
Ø  SystemUtil.Run

Ø  InvokeApplication  - InvokeApplication "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE http://www.yahoo.com"

Ø  VBscript to invoke application
1. Create a "WScript.shell" object.
2. Use the "run" object to launch the application. If the path to your executable contains spaces, use Chr(34) to ensure the path is contained within double quotes.
3. When done, set the shell object to nothing to release it.

Dim oShellSet oShell = CreateObject ("Wscript.shell")'
Example 1 - run a batch file:oShell.run "F:\jdk1.3.1\demo\jfc\SwingSet2.bat"'
Example 2 - run a Java jar file:oShell.run "java -jar F:\jdk1.3.1\demo\jfc\SwingSet2\SwingSet2.jar"'
Example 3 - launch Internet Explorer:oShell.Run Chr(34) & "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" & Chr(34)Set oShell = Nothing

Dim oShell
Set oShell = CreateObject ("Wscript.shell")'
oShell.Run Chr(34) & "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE"
oShell.RUn "www.yahoo.com"
Set oShell = Nothing

Dim oShell
Set oShell = CreateObject ("Wscript.shell")'
oShell.Run  "www.google.com"
Set oShell = Nothing

Set abc = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
abc.Run("iexplore http://yahoo.com")

Set abc = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
abc.Run("firefox http://yahoo.com")

Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Navigate “http:// Deriwiser/login.aspx”

Do While IE.Busy
Debug.WriteLine "busy"

IE.visible = True

set obj = createobject("internetexplorer.application")
obj.navigate "http://www.google.com"
Do while obj.busy
obj.visible = "TRUE"

'Browser("Browser").Navigate "http://www.gmail.com"
'Browser("Browser").Page("Gmail: Email from Google").Sync
'msgbox "p"

Ø  Trivial but useful method
If nothing works out you might try this
You can use the Start -> Run dialog of Windows.
1. Add the Windows Start button to the Object Repository using the "Add Objects" button in Object Repository dialog.
2. Open the Run dialog (Start -> Run), and learn the "Open" edit field and the "OK" button into the Object Repository.
3. Switch to the Expert View, and manually add the lines to open the Run dialog.
4. Manually enter the lines to enter the information to launch the application, and click the "OK" button of the Run dialog.

Dialog("Run").WinEdit("Open:").Type "c:\WINNT\system32\notepad.exe"

3. Wait(seconds)
4. Case "CLICK"
                        strActionCmd =  strObjectName + ".Click"

a=inputbox ("hi")
'enter a as 'Browser("Browser").Page("Gmail: Email from Google").WebButton("Sign in")'
Function abc(byval strObjectName)
                    strActionCmd =  strObjectName + ".Click"
Execute strActionCmd
End Function

5. Enter
    Case "ENTER"
                        If ucase(strInput) = """NONE""" Then
                            strActionCmd = strObjectName + ".Set"
                        ElseIf ucase(strInput) = """<BLANK>""" Then
                            strActionCmd = strObjectName + ".Set """""
                        ElseIf ucase(strInput) = """<NONE>""" Then
                            strActionCmd = strObjectName + ".Set ""NONE"""
                            strActionCmd = strObjectName + ".Set " + strInput
                        End If

6. CHECKORUNCHECK radio button

'strInput should be ON or OFF
                        strActionCmd =  strObjectName + ".Set " & strInput

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