Monkey Talk
Monkey Talk is open source
Automation tool for Android and iOS. Monkey Talk is a simple-to-use tool with
incredible power. Automate real, functional interactive tests for iOS, Android,
Web/HTML5, Hybrid, and Flex apps - everything from simple "smoke
tests" to sophisticated data-driven test suites.
Talk is a free and open source functional testing tool for iOS and Android
mobile apps.The MonkeyTalkplatform consists of two primary components: Monkey
Talk IDE and Monkey Talk Agents. Monkey Talk IDE is Eclipse based tool that
records, plays, edits, and manages functional test suites for iOS and Android
applications running on simulators, emulators, and devices. Money Talk Agents
are libraries for iOS and Android that must be linked into applications to be
tested. The agents enable applications to record and play Monkey Talk Commands.
Each command performs a user interface action or verification step.
- Eclipse configuration with Android SDK (Click here…)
- Monkey Talk: Installation of Agent (Click here…)
- Writing script in Monkey Talk (Click here...)
- Simple Login Script (Click here…)
- Data driven Script (Click here…)
- Passing variable values through driver script (Click here...)
- Conditional statements (Click here…)
- Steps to install Android Apps to SD Card (Click here…)
- Steps to install Android App in Emulator (Click here…)