Find out dynamic id value using selenium webdriver

//Find out the dynamic ids using name elements

List<WebElement> element = driver.findElements("Kalyan"))

//Print out all the elements
System.out.println(“Print out the list of Element value is ” + element);

//Store the value of element size
int value = element.size();

//Print out the value of element size
System.out.println(“Print out the list of Element Names is ” + value);

//Create array here
ArrayList <String> data = new ArrayList <String>();

//Get dynamic id values using above elements
For(WebElement element: element){
String name = element.getAttribute(“id”);

//Print out all the ids
System.out.println(“Print out the list of id’s is “ + name);

//Store id value in the array


For (int j = 0; j<data.size(); j++){

//Store each value from the array in the obj
String Obj = data.get(j);

// inner buttons like inside the box or element using xpath
String insidebutton = “//div[@id=”+Obj+”]/div/div/div[2]/div[2]/p”;

System.out.println(“Print out the current button of value using id is ” + insidebutton);

// BoxName element using xpath
String BoxName = “//div[@id=”+Obj+”]/div/div/div[2]/div[2]/p”;

System.out.println(“Print out the current cust of value using id is ” + BoxName);

String CusName = driver.findElement(By.Xpath(BoxName).getText();

System.out.println(“Print out the current cust Name using id value is” + CusName);

//Tap on Customer Name or Tile using xpath
String ButtonClick = “//div[@id=”+Obj+”]/div/div/div[2]/div[2]/p”;

System.out.println(“Print out the current cust Tile using id value is” + CusName);

If (CusName.equalsIgnoreCase(“Kalyan Kumar”)[

//Tap on customer name or tile
System.out.println(“Tap on current customer tile compare with kalyan kumar” + ButtonClick);

//Tap on call button
System.out.println(“Tap on on current customer call button compare with kalyan kumar ” + insidebutton);




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